On June 15, 2023, at the headquarters of Microsoft Polska, located at Aleje Jerozolimskie 195A, Warsaw.

For individuals responsible for IT in organizations in the public sector in Poland.
To win prizes worth over 30,000.00 PLN!
The number of seats: 0/140
No available seats – Waiting list
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Conference start: 09:00 (registration opens at 8:30, please be punctual, registration closes at 9:05)
Conference end: 16:00
Microsoft, Aleje Jerozolimskie 195A, 02-222 Warsaw
Main building – Auditorium, ground floor
Registration in the main hall, entrance from Aleje Jerozolimskie
You are warmly invited to participate in the largest conference dedicated to Microsoft 365 technology in the field of cybersecurity for the public sector in Poland.
Additional information:
- The conference will be held onsite without the option for remote participation.
- Numerous contests with prizes will take place during the conference, with a major one at its conclusion.
- Registration is free for individuals working in the IT sector within the public sector.
Take part in the live conference for free by registering through the link below.
Gain unique knowledge and apply it in practice under the guidance of top experts in Poland. Stand a chance to win valuable prizes worth over 30,000.00 PLN in total!
Conference Organizer

Damian Wróblewski
The conference is dedicated 100% to practical issues related to cybersecurity in the Microsoft 365 technology area in Poland. Participation in the event is concluded with the issuance of a participation certificate. There will be prizes in the form of gadgets and vouchers for courses.
Top experts from Poland will showcase practical scenarios of using Microsoft technology to defend against cyber threats. They will demonstrate, through practical examples, where technology alone is often insufficient, and efficient social engineering, spoofing, and phishing still lead to the extraction of sensitive data, login credentials, and MFA codes. Incorrectly implemented Microsoft 365 technology also facilitates easy takeover of company infrastructure and data, which is why proper deployment of solutions is crucial. Speakers will address these topics during sessions, relying on practical examples from Polish companies’ experiences.
Who do we recommend to participate in the conference?
The conference is intended for individuals involved in the IT sector as well as those responsible for budget and training needs within public organizations.
The conference is not intended for individuals from other industries or students, except those working in the public sector.
Limited seats available! Registration will be closed by June 6, 2023, or when the limit of 140 registrations is reached.
Conference agenda:
09.25 – 09.35 Introduction of speakers and partners and introduction to today’s sessions.
Damian Wróblewski, Conference Organizer
09.35 – 10.25 How I obtained over 20,000 logins, MFA passwords of Government officials in the years 2020 — 2023.
Damian Wróblewski, Conference Organizer | Cloud & Cybersecurity Domain Lead Onex Group | Cybersecurity Expert | TV Expert | Ex-Microsoft Poland & Ireland | Ex-Board Delegate for Cybersecurity at CSK MSWiA and GIS in the years 2020 — 2022
Session Description: Recipe for obtaining personal data, confidential documents, access data to accounts of public sector employees. Statistics of controlled intrusions on a sample of over 20,000 people in the last 3 years. Why technology can help but will not replace education and common sense in the fight against cybercriminals. The session is educational and awareness-raising, showing 100% practice. The biggest success -> 400 acquired logins, passwords, MFA from one government organization in Poland in just a few hours. 20 accounts in the first 15 minutes of a controlled attack. Technology: Microsoft 365, MFA, AAD, FIDO2, Conditional access.
10.25 – 10.45 Coffee Break & Networking – Contest #1 with prizes
10.45 – 11.15 IT Security – Trojan horse, moat, and army of admins, or maybe M365?
Marek Nadstawny Microsoft Technology Trainer, academic lecturer, certified Microsoft infrastructure specialist (certificates MCT, MCAAA, MCSAA, MCEAE, MCMDAA, MCSE, MCSA, MCITP) — Conference Partner: IT COMPANY
Session Description: Identity login protection, privileged role protection, document and data protection Technologies: MFA and conditional access, Identity Protection, PIM, Attack Simulator, Labeling and DLP.
11.20 – 11.50 Passwordless in Microsoft solutions — Yubico
Rafał Rosłaniec — Technical Support Director ePrinus
11.55 – 12.15 Coffee Break & Networking – Contest #2 with prizes
12.15 – 12.45 mscloud Partner Session — Karol Szymonik
Karol Szymonik – CEO, CEO – Cloud Solutions & Robert Kembłowski Migration and purchase of Microsoft Azure while maintaining service security
Session Description: Migration and purchase of Microsoft Azure — comparison to buying a car — Karol Szymonik Introduction to Azure security basics — Konrad Sagała MVP Overview of selected products — Konrad Sagała MVP Defender for Cloud Azure Firewall Azure DDoS Protection
12.45 – 13.30 Lunch & networking
13.30 – 14.00 – Introduction to security in M365
Paweł Czarnecki, Modern Work Domain Lead & Onex Group — Conference Partner: ONEX.GROUP
Session Description: I discuss key lease configuration elements from the ModernWork perspective. I present frequently occurring incorrect decisions regarding the service configuration. I subject the justification for blocking platform elements to discussion. I highlight potential threats. I present examples of threats detected by Microsoft 365 Defender. Technology: Microsoft 365 Defender
The last sessions of the event will be dedicated to products/services for the public sector that are not directly related to the conference’s theme.
14.00 – 14.20 Most common problems faced by organization employees in the Microsoft 365 area through the eyes of an IT employee
Jakub Rudnik — SECURITY MASTERS Administrator
Session Description: What problems do organization employees encounter and why they need knowledge either on the IT staff side or external training & services of experts who specialize only in the Microsoft 365 area. A help desk employee & administrator manages many environments, being proficient in all of them is not possible, which every Director & IT Manager who manages a government unit should know.
14.20 – 14.40 New duties of the public sector (persons responsible for IT) resulting from the Whistleblower Protection Directive
Przemysław Kot — President of E-Sygnalista
14.40 – 15.00 How to effectively and safely overcome communication barriers. 26 thousand online translations done in Ukrainian Sign Language. Representative of
15.00 – 15.10 Coffee Break & Networking
15.10 – 15.30 Q&A session and summary and conclusion of the conference — Drawing of main prizes in the competition!
Organizational Information
- Participation is free and verified for individuals working in IT positions and management. Please register using official email addresses such as: [email protected], not Gmail, WP, Onet, Interia, etc. Registrations with such emails will be automatically removed. Due to security procedures at Microsoft, where the conference will take place, please provide accurate information. Attendance will be checked with an ID card, and false registrations will be deleted.
2. During the conference, there will be an opportunity to register for optional paid workshops organized by Partner Companies in the area of Microsoft 365 Cybersecurity for interested individuals.
3. The Microsoft auditorium can accommodate a total of 140 people. Overbooking will be applied, so we encourage you to arrive punctually. Once the limit of 140 attendees is reached, unfortunately, latecomers will not be able to enter the conference.
Information about contests:
During the contests, the following prizes can be won:
10 x voucher – 7-day access to the course
10 x voucher – 7-day access to the course
5 x coffee with the Microsoft 365 logo from Ms. Iwonka – priceless value
3 x Black package with Yubico (Yubico Key, Mug)
3 x Gold Package (Yubico Key, mug, tea, something sweet)
1 x Lunch in Warsaw with the Organizer – Damian Wróblewski
All prizes will have a total value of over 10,000.00 PLN – Details will be presented during the conference.
See you on June 15, 2023, at Microsoft Poland in Warsaw!
Every conference participant who completes the live survey during the conference will receive an invitation to a free certified 5-hour training session live/online/hybrid on Microsoft 365, conducted by Damian Wróblewski, Trainer, and organizer of SECURITY MASTERS.
In total, there are 40 prizes to be won during the conference and beyond!
Registration form link: <- Click Here
See you on June 15th, Thursday, 2023, at Microsoft Poland!
What did participants say about previous conferences organized by SECURITY MASTERS?
MAIN PARTNER of CYBER SECURITY MASTERS SUMMIT for the public sector in Poland 2023.
PARTNERS of CYBER SECURITY MASTERS SUMMIT for the public sector in Poland 2023.
- Kompania lnformatyczna —
- ePRlNUS —
- Yubico —
- AB —
- mscloud —

Archival events